The Design Musuem together with Vitra Design Museum curated the exhibition, Objects of Desire: Surrealism and Design 1924 – Today. Which explores surrealism from 1924 to now. Showcasing classic Surrealist works of art and design as well as contemporary surrealist responses.
This displays of almost 350 works explores the influence of Surrealists from Dalí to Duchamp and beyond on the decorative arts, fashion and film.
The work of fashion photographers such as Lee Miller who brought Surrealism to the pages of Vogue are also displayed at the exhibition.
Surrealism was a movement that changed the face of art and design forever.
Surrealism aims to revolutionise human experience. It balances a rational vision of life with one that asserts the power of the unconscious and dreams.
Lobster Telephone by Salvador Dalí.
The objects from the exhibition are mostly on loan from Germany’s Vitra Design Museum
According to one of the Surrealism Movement’s leaders Andre Breton, surrealism was a means of reuniting the conscious and the unconscious realms of experience so completely that the world of dream and fantasy would be joined to the everyday rational world. just like the below piece by Mae West’s Lips sofa, c 1938.
Horse Lamp, 2006, Front Design, Manufactured by Moooi BV, Breda /Niederlande, Plastic; metal. Vitra Design Museum.
This exhibition is on until February 19 2023, be sure to check it out and let us know your thoughts. Click here to book.